For many clients though, even with these drawings, their future space is hard to visualize. To solve this problem we use 3D modeling software to bridge the gap. Using this tool early on not only helps our clients start to get a sense of what their space will "feel" like, but will also help them think through the design more clearly and help the concept come to life. Also, at these early stages, we are able to manipulate the spaces easily and "push and pull" walls and ceilings to adjust the space.... many times making adjustments in real-time during client meetings with direct input from the future users of the space. As you can imagine, this not only leads to very fun and interactive meetings, but a better finished product as well.

Overall, we seem to find it much more beneficial (especially before the final design has been agreed upon) to have a model that allows you to move through and around a space to get a sense of how it feels, rather than simply printing off a few pretty pictures and letting you fill in the blanks. With that said, if a project has the need for a photo-realistic image for marketing purposes, we can seamlessly move our model into a separate software program to create those stunning images. We will devote a future post to that process.