December 9, 2011

J.A. Wedum Hospice House Nearing Completion

The J.A. Wedum Hospice House is nearing completion and is slated to be open early in 2012. Exterior work is essentially complete, with interior work on millwork, trim, fixtures and carpeting to be completed in the next few weeks. Congratulations to Allina and its partners on the new facility.

The Project Architect on this job is Steve Oliver, AIA.
Feel free to give him a call for more information.

December 8, 2011

Patient Self Check-In at Healthcare Facilities

Functional. Private. Efficient. These are the major benefits of an emerging trend in the Twin Cities Healthcare Industry. Like it or not, self check-in is becoming a major trend in the healthcare market.

As designers of health-related environments, we first began seeing this concept in the dental field, specifically used more frequently by orthodontic clinics. The reason being that the orthodontic patient makes frequent visits to the clinic for the maintenance of braces. In this regard, self check-in is an extremely efficient process geared toward getting the patient in and out of the office quickly and efficiently with the management of their healthcare plan.

Today, we see self check-in making its way into the healthcare environment for a similar, but expanded set of reasons. Self check-in puts the patient in control of their medical visit. It provides a level of privacy that is extremely important to some people. It allows patients to input the reason for their visit, and share symptoms and concerns in a confidential manner. Many kiosks on the market today can go so far as to assign the patient checking in with a number that is then called when the staff is ready to bring the patient back. This preserves patient identity and improves staff efficiency within the clinic environment.

Check-in kiosks can also assist with the management of reception staff. Having the kiosk available will free up reception staff allowing them to devote more personal time to the patients that require extra assistance, such as the new patient requiring the completion of paperwork, or the patient with new insurance coverage. The average time patients spend waiting to see a health-care provider is 22 minutes, and some exam procedures stretch for hours, according to a 2009 report by Press Ganey Associates, a health-care consulting firm, which surveyed 2.4 million patients at more than 10,000 locations. Orthopedists have the longest waits, at approximately 29 minutes; dermatologists the shortest, at 20. The report also noted that patient satisfaction dropped significantly with each five minute interval of waiting time.

Below are Some Examples of Check-In Kiosks which we have integrated into some recent projects. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in more information.

November 8, 2011

IIDA Fusion 2011

The Northland Chapter of IIDA – International Interior Design Association – hosted its 11th annual Fusion+Fashion Event at The Varsity Theater on November 4th, 2011, featuring yet another creative explosion of runway fashion. The action-packed benefit proudly supported the local Minneapolis charity, People Serving People. Local designers squared up in a Project Runway style fashion show creating garments out of non-traditional materials.

Mohagen/Hansen was one of many firms to participate in the event. Two dresses were created, showing both an elaborate couture gown and a simplified ready‐to‐wear dress. The dresses are made of meticulously folded iridescent wallpaper, generously donated by Carnegie, called 'Pizazz'. The light beautifully played off of this material, giving the garments just that ‐ 'Pizazz' – which was carefully considered when designing these pieces. The dresses were developed by Mohagen/Hansen interior designers Sue Welk Kimal, Catherine Sweetman, Lindsey Miller, Nancy Binger and Lyn Berglund. Sue Welk Kimal and Nancy Binger modeled their creations during the runway show.

October 28, 2011

Welcome to the Team: Nathan Potratz

Mohagen/Hansen continues to grow with the addition of Nathan Potratz.  Nathan comes to our office after spending 4 years working in Oregon at architecture firm specializing in Healthcare Design.  Before that, Nathan graduated from Iowa State University with a 5 year Bachelor of Architecture Degree.  He brings a energetic attitude, diverse skill set, and a great work-ethic to our team! 

We asked Nathan a few questions, get to know him more below:

What is the last book you read? The Most Important Year in a Man's Life
What is your favorite activity when you are not at work? Going out for Thai food with my wife Polly.
Who inspire you? Steve Winnett (one of my supervisors when I was an intern)
What do you love most about your being an architect? Problem Solving: When you come up with a solution/design/layout that fits all the constraints, it's such a rewarding feeling of accomplishment.

October 7, 2011

Making Progress...

Construction of the Allina: J.A. Wedum Residential Hospice House in Brooklyn Park, is well underway and progressing on schedule. The exterior envelope is taking shape and should be completed in the next couple of weeks – well before the snow flies! With the work that has been completed, we are able to see how the building massing is fitting very well with the context of the surrounding area. Great weather and quality craftsmanship have allowed the work to progress in an efficient manner. Best news of the day – the Owner is very pleased with how things are coming together. We are all enjoying watching this important project take shape!

To see more about this project, check out this earlier blog post about the ground breaking.  J.A. Wedum Residentail Hospice Groundbreaking

September 22, 2011

Fast Turnaround / 3D Modeling

In general, when clients need a quick turnaround for presentation graphics or renderings, the level of detail usually goes down.  Time is essential for creating realistic looking renderings, and when things need to be done quickly, the final products usually have a more "sketchy" feel.  This type of look is often appropriate since the project is usually in the early phases of design and neither the design team or the client wants the design to look as though it's "set in stone".  On certain occasions however, a more realistic rendering is desired on a tight timeline.  We are happy to say that we now have the capability of bridging the gap between fast turnaround and highly detailed renderings. A good example of this can be shown from the images below which are from a recent project that had to be designed, modeled, and rendered in under 3 days.  The project was started on a Monday afternoon, and in the hands of the client by Wednesday morning (including time for a couple slight revisions). 

Step One 1: (Develop a solid design, using accurate dimensions)

Step 2: (Create a model with surrounding context)

Step 3: (Add final details and render)

We were able to meet our clients deadline and they were extremly happy with the image.  Down the road they may choose to add more details (such as additional signage), but at this point this was exactly what they were hoping for.  

August 28, 2011

Summer MH Employee Party

Last Friday many of the MH employees and their families were able to get together and enjoy a beautiful day at Centennial Lakes in Edina.  We played croquet, lawn bowling and eventually headed over to Pinstripes for some food and bowling.  Everyone who was able to attend had a wonderful time.  Thank you to Mark and Todd for not only coming out and partaking in the activities, but also for providing the time and money for these enjoyable events.  In all, 28 people made it out for the Croquet/Lawn Bowling and 35 people attended Dinner/Bowling portion.

Mark and Todd discussing a complex situation

Group Photo

August 19, 2011

Prairie View Care Center

On the western edge of Woonsocket, SD (population 634) sits Prairie View Care Center (PVCC).  The enitire western edge of the property is adjacent to an expansive crop field...quite appropriate considering that many of the residents there have very close ties to farming.  The buidling is due for an upgrade and much needed expansion, and with the help of Dave Link from SourceGroup, we have helped guide them to the most appropriate and cost effective design solution.  Earlier this week the PVCC Board approved the team to move forward with the documentation and construction of Phase 1.  This project will include the following:

• New Resident Rooms to Create Single Occupancies
• Full Utilization of Bed Licenses
• Direct Access to Outpatient Pharmacy and Physical Therapy
• Renovation of Existing Rooms
• Additional Common Areas for Resident Interaction
• Improved Kitchen and Meal Prep Area
• Additional Staff Support Spaces
• Increased Parking Availability and Drop-off Area
• Implement Regulatory Compliance Upgrades

Site Plan (Darker Roof Indicates Additions)
South Addition
View of Existing Building and Main Addition

For more information about this project contact:
Steve Oliver, AIA

August 8, 2011

Out and About this Fall

You can find Mohagen/Hansen actively participating in three conferences coming up in September.

Ron Powell, AIA will be attending and exhibiting at the 2011 Minnesota Health Care Engineers Association meeting on September 14 and 15 at the Grand Casino Hotel in Hinckley, MN. Please stop by and visit Ron at the Vendor Show.

Alanna Carter, Director of Senior Living is attending the Aging Services of Minnesota Annual Meeting and Leadership forum in Brainerd on September 20-23.

At the same time, Mark L. Hansen, AIA, LEED AP will be at the Minnesota Hospital Association Annual Meeting. These two conferences will be sharing the Maddens Resort venue and will join together for the Keynote address by Ian Morrison, PhD, Leading Change in Aging and Healthcare. Ian is an internationally known author, consultant and futurist specializing in long-term forecasting and planning with particular emphasis on healthcare and the changing business environment. The closing Keynote, also sponsored by both organizations entitled Endnote: Life Changes in an Instant, will be presented by Lee Woodruff, whose husband, Bob Woodruff, ABC’s newly appointed co-anchor, was hit by a roadside bomb while covering the war in Iraq. Great programming, the opportunity to visit with old friends and meet new are sure to make this week very enjoyable and rewarding!

July 29, 2011

Mission Accomplished!

Paul J. Carr (Architect)
We are proud to announce that Paul Carr has officially passed the Architecture Registration Exam and is on the doorstep of becoming a Registered Architect in State of Minnesota.  The ARE is considered by experts to be one of the most difficult professional examinations in the country and is composed of 7 separate exams that involve all aspects of architectural design.  The difficulty of the exam is proven by the published pass rates, some of which are as low as 49%.

Paul has been working at Mohagen/Hansen for 17 loyal years, and is considered by many to be an expert in the areas of corporate tenant improvement projects, BOMA calculations, and business development.  Paul is most proud of the many close relationships he has developed within the commercial real estate field.  His long list of repeat clients is testament to his knowledge in his field.

If you would like to contact Paul, use the information below.
Phone: 952-426-7431

July 21, 2011

NAIOP Golf Tournament

An air temperature of 96 degrees and a heat index pushing 120 couldn’t keep us away from sponsoring the 2011 NAIOP Golf Classic.  This year the event was held at The Wilds Golf Club in Prior Lake, MN.

Once again the National Association of Industrial and Office Properties (NAIOP) Minnesota chapter did an extremely good job planning the event which had a full registration of 144 golfers. Our sponsorship site was located near the beautiful 17th green, where we served as a sponsor, greeting golfers with a rousing game of Yahtzee, offering golf trinkets to each player,  as well as entering the winners into a drawing for Twins Tickets.  Despite the heat, each player was having a great time and we especially enjoyed the camaraderie as we endured the weather together.   The Wilds also did an excellent job of keeping golfers cool by passing out cold, wet cloths and periodically checking on each of the sponsoring firms.

We really appreciate the face to face time we receive by sponsoring this event and look forward to sponsoring it again next year!

July 19, 2011

2010 Top Projects Award

On Thursday, July 14 Mohagen/Hansen Architectural Group was recognized for a recent design project at the 2010 Top Projects Award Reception held by Finance & Commerce Magazine. The event, which took place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Minneapolis, recognized what were judged to be the top 24 design and construction projects to have been completed in 2010.

View the interactive publicaion here: Top Projects of 2010 (Page Turn Pro)

The Edina Crosstown Medical Office Building in Edina which was designed solely for Twin Cities Orthopedics, P.A. was selected not only for its design excellence, but for the process it went through to become a reality.  There were many hurdles to overcome with the City of Edina in order to make this a viable project for the challenging site it was to inhabit. The project demanded an interactive, consensus driven process which resulted in creative solutions that required compromise and flexibility on the part of everyone. The final product is evidence of a successful collaboration. The building received LEED Gold Certification as well.

July 8, 2011

Welcome to the Team: Nancy Binger

The Interiors Group here at Mohagen/Hansen continues to grow with the addition of Nancy Binger.  Nancy is a University of Minnesota graduate who will be assisting with all aspects of interior design.  She brings a positive attitude, self-motivation and great design skills to the team!   Get to know Nancy more below:

What is the most recent movie you have seen? How was it?
The Proposal. I can watch that movie over and over again for the story that unfolds along with the cast and character development. Ryan Reynolds never gets old in my book.

What interested you in Interior Design?
I have always been drawn to design and aesthetics. When I was younger my family encouraged me to draw, paint, and express my creativity with little boundary. I created my first mosaic counter top at the age of 15, that was a complete fail, but they let me do it and discover for myself what didn’t work and why. By choice I enrolled in CAD and art classes through high school, and finally began experiencing structured creativity. From there I discovered a love for interior spacial planning and chose the path of Interior Design. As my knowledge and experience has matured, I have become fascinated and captivated by the ability to design a space, and manipulate the way a person feels while experiencing it.

Favorite Vacation Spot?
Anywhere warm with a beach! I love the feeling of sand between my toes, the warm sun on my skin, and looking out over an endless body of water. Pure heaven.

If you could have dinner with anyone, living or deceased, who would it be?
My Aunt Caroline. She always provided encouragement to every opportunity I pursued, and pushed me to act with a purpose. She has fueled my passion for healthcare design and creating spaces that work for the end user. She passed away from Cancer September 2010, and there are so many things I’d love to ask and share with her. I know she’d be so proud that I have reached my goal and found a job I am passionate about, doing exactly what I love. . . Design...A common interest we shared.

June 30, 2011

Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners

Over the years, Mohagen/Hansen has completed a number of projects in support of Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners (IOCP). 
IOCP is a non-profit provider that serves about 1,400 families and individuals living in Hamel, Long Lake, Medicine Lake, Medina, Minnetonka Beach, Orono, Plymouth, and Wayzata.   People who come to IOCP are often in crisis. They may need food or be facing eviction, job loss, family breakup, domestic abuse, a health crisis, utility shutoff, or car repair.
IOCP programs provide direct assistance and connect people with life-changing opportunities and resources.  In addition to a food shelf, IOCP offers programs that address five key areas: Housing; Employment; Child Care; Transportation; and Community Connections. IOCP also provides special programs that help with holiday, back-to-school, and new baby needs.
Currently we are working with Interfaith Outreach to design the conversion of an existing, vacant grocery store into a location that will offer a food shelf, resource center, offices and a Hennepin County Social Services Center. We are also involved providing architectural design for an IOCP affordable housing project to be located in Wayzata.
For More Information Click Here:
IOCP New Building

June 24, 2011

Check Us Out in Minnesota Physician Magazine

We are happy to be recognized not once, but twice in the June 2011 issue of Minnesota Physician Magazine.  The cover story, Design with Dignity, was authored by Alanna Carter, Mohagen/Hansen’s Director of Senior Living.  In the article, she writes of the importance in senior care community design to create environments that support residents, their loved ones, and the providers who care for them. She believes that every room in a care center offers an opportunity for residents to live with autonomy, dignity and independence.  The article provides unique supporting evidence to this philosophy – it is a “must read.” 
We were also named to the 2011 Healthcare Architecture and Design Honor Roll for the planning and design of the Edina Crosstown Medical Office Building / Twin Cities Orthopedics, P.A. project located in Edina, MN.  This project was unique in the stringent City process that it needed to go through just to become a reality.  Once approved by the City, the design team was faced with many other challenges along the way.  To learn more about this project, click on this related story:  Crosstown Article  
To check out the article and the project recognition, and to learn more about Minnesota Physician Magazine please follow this link: Minnesota Physician June 2011

June 16, 2011

HealthEast Breaks Ground in Stillwater!

Mohagen/Hansen is pleased to have been the design partner to HealthEast for a new 15,000 sf clinic in Stillwater, MN.  We provided complete planning, architecture, and interior design services for this family practice facility.  Design services included not only the buidling exterior, but build-out of the clinic spaces including:
  • Reception/Waiting Areas
  • Exam Rooms
  • Lab
  • Imaging
  • Administrative and Support Spaces 
Convieniently located at the intersection of Highway 36 and County Rd 5, the building is currently under construction by Airlake Development of Lakeville, MN. This exciting project is on schedule for completion in the Fall of 2011. 

Below is a rendering of the exterior that we developed for HealthEast:

To learn more, visit this page on the HealthEast website:

June 7, 2011

Welcome to the Team: Alanna Carter

Alanna Carter, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP, recently joined Mohagen/Hansen Architectural Group as the Director of Senior Living.

She brings a passion for creating environments that promote dignity and a sense of well being for the aging population. Her approach to design and meeting client goals is based on an innate desire to create the best environment to serve the end user, while understanding the need for the building to be designed efficiently.

Alanna is the Founder and current President of the Minnesota Chapter of SAGE – the Society for the Advancement of Gerontological Environments. She is a graduate of the University of Minnesota with a B.S. in Architecture and minors in Construction Management and Interior Design.

In the near future you will hear more from Alanna as she will have an article published in the June 2011 issue of Minnesota Physician Magazine, and the July 2011 Issue of Minnesota Health Care Magazine. She will also be a presenter for the Aging Services of Minnesota education series later this month.

Get to Know Alanna...
Last Book You Read? The Help - I loved the character Minny.

Favorite Activity When You Are Not At Work? Playing with my kids and watching them grow into amazing little people.

Who inspires you? All the women and men who came before me and pushed for equality in this country to make my career path, and life easier.

If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be? My grandma Nellie. She is the person in my life who has fueled my passion for creating better environments for all seniors. She passed away from Alzheimer’s disease when I was 20 years old. I just wish she could see how much of an inspiration she has been to the work that I do.

What do you love most about your job? The fact I get to design buildings/spaces that will positively impact the life of someone who is rarely allowed a voice when they move into an Assisted Living or Skilled Nursing setting. I get to design spaces for people to LIVE in until they die, instead of a space where they are waiting to die.
You can reach Alanna at 952.426.7419 or

May 25, 2011

3D Modeling and Client Interaction

One of the great things about working with Mohagen/Hansen is that we truly believe in client communication and interaction.  Early on, communication focuses on the clients needs, preferences, limitations, expectations, etc.  But soon, the conversation shifts to discussions around actual plan layouts and elevations. 

For many clients though, even with these drawings,  their future space is hard to visualize.  To solve this problem we use 3D modeling software to bridge the gap.  Using this tool early on not only helps our clients start to get a sense of what their space will "feel" like, but will also help them think through the design more clearly and help the concept come to life.  Also, at these early stages, we are able to manipulate the spaces easily and "push and pull" walls and ceilings to adjust the space.... many times making adjustments in real-time during client meetings with direct input from the future users of the space.  As you can imagine, this not only leads to very fun and interactive meetings, but a better finished product as well.

As we move closer to a final design, the models can become more detailed with actual furnishings, finishes and equipment.  We can do a walk-through and view examples of various design options to help the client make more informed decisions.

The great thing about our 3D modeling process is that it is very flexible.  The goal is to use the model as a immersive communication tool, not as a something that simply creates a flat image that you cannot move through or interact with. 

Overall, we seem to find it much more beneficial (especially before the final design has been agreed upon) to have a model that allows you to move through and around a space to get a sense of how it feels, rather than simply printing off a few pretty pictures and letting you fill in the blanks.  With that said, if a project has the need for a photo-realistic image for marketing purposes, we can seamlessly move our model into a separate software program to create those stunning images.  We will devote a future post to that process.

May 20, 2011

Speaking Appearance: "Refurbishing Common Areas"

Lyn A. Berglund, ASID, CID was a speaker at last week’s 11th Annual Senior Cooperative Housing Conference held on May 11 and 12 at the Ramada Mall of America in Bloomington.

Well versed to speak on the topic “Refurbishing Common Areas,” Lyn cited example and past project, the 7500 York Senior Cooperative Renovation. In addition to speaking about the renovation of public areas, she also spoke about what to look for when selecting an interior designer. In doing so, she provided the audience questions to ask, and particular expertise to look for an order to ensure a successful project. The renovation of the public space at 7500 York was recognized in the national publication, DESIGN - Environments for Aging 2010A Special Supplement to Long-Term Living in the March 2010 Issue.

7500 York Cooperative was selected by a jury of highly accomplished long term care designers, architects and providers to be recognized in this National Publication in the “Seniors Only Housing/Apartment Complex” Category.

Here are two pictures of the the 7500 York project Lyn spoke about... see if you can guess which picture was taken before the renovation, and which is after.


To learn more about Lyn, visit her profile on our website by clicking here:
 Lyn's Q/A Page
To view more images of the 7500 York project please visit the project page: 
7500 York Profile

May 14, 2011

Groundbreaking: J.A. Wedum Residential Hospice

Last month Allina broke ground on a very meaningful project; the J.A. Wedum Residential Hospice in Brooklyn Park, MN.  This was a very special project for Mohagen/Hansen because Allina has been a great client to work with and an extraordinary amount of time and effort went into the design.  Most importantly however, we knew that this building would be the final home for individuals during the last moments of their life and we wanted the space to help make those moments as peacful and comforting as possible.  See video below for the groundbreaking event at the site.

For more information on this project click the link below:

Here is a site plan and some renderings of what the final project will look like:

May 5, 2011

Crosstown Medical Building earns LEED Gold!

The USGBC has awarded the Crosstown Medical Building LEED Gold!  This achievement went above and beyond the expectations of the ownership group, the City of Edina and even many members of the design team!  Required by the city to achieve LEED Silver, the project earned enough points to exceed this requirement through excellent documentation, innovative design, and by simply receiving every credit that was applied for (a rare event for LEED registered projects).  This is the second project that Mohagen/Hansen has taken through the LEED certification process and the first one that has achieved LEED Gold. 

Project Information
Completed: March 2010
Location: Edina, MN
Size: 75,000 sq. ft.
370 stall parking garage

Project Highlights
19.7% Energy reduction

38% Water use reduction
27% Regional Materials
26% Recycled Content
53% Green Roof
63% FSC Certified Wood
In total, the project received 35 points under LEED CS version 2.0.

Here is an excerpt from the official press release from February 18, 2011...

The demolition of an existing tired office building on the site made way for a dynamic new medical office building and building canopy. The landscaping features offer a pleasing street presence and create a transitional podium to soften the scale of the building. The design concept also removed visual clutter found on the existing site with the concealment of mechanical systems, cell tower and removal of the overhead utility lines. These features, as well as the green roof on the building and canopy, offered an aesthetically pleasing view to the nearby parking garage that would command street presence and compliment the surrounding area. The complex serves as an extension of the regional medical campus.

“Buildings are a prime example of how human systems integrate with natural systems,” said Rick Fedrizzi, President, CEO & Founding Chair, U.S. Green Building Council. “The Edina Crosstown Medical Office Building project efficiently uses our natural resources and makes an immediate, positive impact on our planet, which will tremendously benefit future generations to come.”

The building is a 75,000 sq. ft. medical office building with an adjacent 370 parking garage. Designed entirely for use by Twin Cities Orthopedics, P.A., it consists of clinic spaces, physical therapy, an MRI imaging suite, ambulatory surgery center, administrative offices, conference center and on-site cafeteria.

To learn more about this exciting project or view more photos, click the link below to visit the project page on our website. 
Crosstown Medical Building Project Page

April 26, 2011

Star of the North 2011

We will once again be attending the Star of the North Dental show at the St. Paul River Centre on April 28-30 2011.  Stop by to see the latest trends and design ideas being incorporated into today’s dental clinic renovation and design projects!  It is also a great time to get to know members of our team! 

Special Note: This year we have moved to a new location on the exhibit floor: Booth 368

The Associated Dentists Clinic Remodel project in St. Paul, MN is just one of the great success stories we have to share from the past year. Please stop by to learn more.  Here are some photos of that project.

Mohagen/Hansen Architectural Group specializes in the design of dental clinics for all specialties:• General Dentistry
• Cosmetic Dentistry
• Orthodontics
• EndodonticsEndodontics
• Cosmetic Dentistry
• Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
• Pediatric Dentistry

April 21, 2011

Welcome to Our Blog!

We have lots of great ideas to explore on here.  We will discuss trends in design, highlight our favorite projects, keep you updated on what's new with our company, introduce you to our great team, and also have some fun.  Please check back often to see what's in-store!!

For the time being here are some images of our office space if you have never had the chance to stop by.